Saturday, 11 June 2011

MyOrdbok, Free online Myanmar Dictionaries

MyOrdbok is an online dictionary for multi languages to Myanmar definitions.

MyOrdbok is ready to define 24 languages to

Try it out!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Chiang Mai University's Digital Collection

The Chiang Mai University's Digital Collection contains page-links to: Thai Digital Collection (TDC), e-Books, e-Rare Books, CMU e-Research, CMU e-theses and Reference databases.

You can type English terms for your subject keywords into the search engine.

The databases contain materials in Thai and English.

Most of the theses seem to be in Thai language, although they also have titles, authors and abstracts in English.

For more, click on the following link:

Monday, 6 June 2011

New Books on Southeast Asia (7) - June 2011

For June 2011, a list of some new books on Southeast Asia.
Click on the book cover to see more information and their availability from SOAS Library.


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